What Makes A Travel Experience Special? — Cushy Blog

3 min readOct 9, 2020

Have you ever wondered what makes a travel experience special that makes people voyage all over the globe? There is no denying that travel experiences play one of the most important roles that motivate so many of us to keep exploring. Although we see images of beautiful landscapes, we can only imagine what it would feel like to be there.

These 5 Things are What Makes A Travel Experience Special

Nothing compares with experiencing something first-hand. So what makes travel experiences so special? Read on to find out!

Expanding perspectives

Traveling helps open your mind. When you come across different cultures, you realize that there is no one way to live life. Traveling shows you that your understanding of the world isn’t the same as everyone else. The different lifestyles of different places will also help you discover fresh ideas that must’ve not thought about before. When you are open to new places, people, cultures, and lifestyles, you will develop a new perspective on everything.

Step out of your boundaries

Traveling is what makes a travel experience special and it helps you move out of your comfort zone. It pushes you mentally, emotionally, and physically. This helps you earn rewards that cannot be measured. The more you step out of the comfort zone, the more you experience. So don’t be afraid to walk a path less taken. The experiences that you will come across will stay with you for a long time.

Get in touch with your inner self.

When you walk away from home, you open doors to opportunities that help you reflect on your life. It gives you the time and space to let your mind wander and take in the signs from nature. Traveling is among some of the best ways to learn about yourself. This is because each travel experience brings in a new set of challenges and opportunities. When you learn to deal with this better, you develop new insights, and such a mindset changes your approach towards your life.

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Building and growing relations

When you travel with friends and family, you strengthen your bond. Whether you are on a family getaway, a romantic trip, or a long weekend, you deepen your relationships. With the nuclear family lifestyle and relatives spread across the country, it is hard to spend time together. Travel is a special way to deepen relationships. It also gives you an opportunity to make new friends and make your journey special.

Live in the moment

If you are stuck in the daily struggle of a demanding job, a bad breakup, a loss of a loved one — travel gives great relief from the stress. Stepping away from the workspace gives an escape both mentally and physically. When you head out on a journey, you are present in the moment. So take the opportunity to appreciate the beauty of the place you are in.


Traveling across the country and watching over mesmerizing sights is a special experience in itself. It is more than taking social media-worthy pictures. All you have to do is open yourself to the experience of what a new destination has to offer. Cushy helps you discover new things that make your travel experience meaningful.

Want to know more about what makes a travel experience special? Which is your most memorable travel experience? Let us know in the comments below.

Originally published at https://www.cushy.com on October 9, 2020.




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